Calendar of events for Salford Green Party 2015

10 May 2015


Upcoming events in 2015

Policies in Pubs (Open Meeting)

Wednesday 17 June, starts 7.30 pm – just come along and this week we will introduce the Green Party via its mini-manifesto, then discuss 3 topics in small groups, and lastly consider what teams/campaigns to work on in the coming year.

Business meeting
Thursday 2 July, start 7.30 pm. Contact Wendy Olsen for details; members only.

Training sessions
This summer we may plan a series of sessions on debating, chairing meetings, media skills, assertiveness/conflict of interest, and community work. If you have a preference for a time, indicate by text please: Sat. 3-5 pm, Sunday 6-8 pm, or a weeknight.

Greater Manchester Meetings
In future we will also be participating in wider Green meetings for the campaign about Gtr Manchester devolution and Salford’s identity. To get involved, click either the SUPPORTERS AREA which reads “TAKE ACTION”, or the “JOIN” area of the national website. (A supporter is a non-member who offers some help.) Your email and phone will then get sent through to our local membership secretary. We try to involve ‘supporters’ who are not members because we understand this large fringe as a keen activist group. So get in touch using . Thank you very much.


Some useful contacts:

Wendy Olsen mobile 07891 266635

Candidates’ Facebook page --




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